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After the initial excitement of the first waves of data, it can be challenging to get recommendations from tracking surveys to cut through – findings can become repetitive, business questions remain unanswered, and consequently the value of the programme can be questioned.

This is due to a common scenario whereby a project starts promisingly, with senior expert involvement in design and initial implementation, but once up and running, it is handed to more junior teams to keep ticking-over as energy and interest levels tend to drop.

Key to ensuring ongoing impact is regular contact with stakeholders, having the right conversations about high level business issues, challenges and priorities, and steering the course of the tracker accordingly.

Also key is finding fresh ways to interrogate the rich strata of information that lie beneath long-term trends.  Looking at datasets from different angles like considering emotional intensity and behavioural economic principles alongside typical satisfaction and advocacy metrics can yield exciting breakthroughs in understanding.

And finally, of core importance is collaboration – as putting tracking data into context with other insight sources provides a critical holistic view.  Be it through working closely with the category expertise of internal client research teams or blending thinking with other insight or creative agencies – all ensure findings land with real impact.

At Redblue we are passionate about creating impactful tracking studies that make a difference - making people’s lives easier, creating better experiences and making people more excited about our clients brands.  If you want to create a best in class tracker study, I’d love to chat further about how we might be able to help.


Want to chat further?  Please drop me a note on or call 07926 856225.